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Int 2F Fn FBA1  U - Tkernel (borland DOS Extender) - Get Entry Point       [E]

   AX = FBA1h
   BX = 0082h
   ES:DI -> response buffer (see below)

Return: ES:DI buffer filled

See Also: AX=FBA1h/BX=0081h,AX=FBA1h/BX=0084h

Format of response buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  4 BYTEs  signature "IABH"
 04h   DWORD   pointer to FAR extender entry point

Call entry point with:
   AX = function number
       0000h initialize???
       STACK:  WORD  ???

       Return: AX = status???
           STACK unchanged
       0001h get version???

       Return: AX = 0200h for v2.0.34
       0002h get ???

       Return: AX = ??? (011Eh or 0182h seen)
       0003h load protected-mode executable
       STACK:  DWORD -> ASCIZ filename of executable
           DWORD   ???
           DWORD -> program arguments (counted string plus CR)
           DWORD -> environment for protected-mode executable
               (terminated with two consecutive NULs)
           DWORD -> WORD buffer for ???

       Return: AX = status???
           STACK unchanged
       0004h get descriptor
       STACK:  WORD    selector for which to get descriptor
           WORD    segment number (when running in real mode)
           DWORD -> buffer for descriptor

       Return: CF clear if successful
               buffer filled
           CF set on error
               AX destroyed???
           STACK unchanged
       0005h ???
       STACK:  WORD    selector for ???
           WORD    subfunction number???
               0000h run previously-loaded program???
               0001h ??? (similar to 0000h)
               0005h ??? (similar to 0000h and 0001h)

       Return: AX = status???
           STACK unchanged
       0006h ???
       STACK:  WORD ???
           DWORD -> WORD (call) max iterations of ???
                     (return) remaining iterations

       Return: AX = ???
           STACK unchanged
       0007h unused

       Return: AX = 0001h
       0008h unused

       Return: AX = 0001h
       0009h copy protected-mode memory into conventional memory
       STACK:  WORD    selector for source segment
           WORD    segment of source if in real mode???
           DWORD   offset of source
           WORD    number of bytes to copy
           DWORD -> low-memory destination

       Return: AX = status
           STACK unchanged
       000Ah copy conventional memory into protected-mode memory
       STACK:  WORD    selector for destination segment
           WORD    segment of destination if in real mode???
           DWORD   offset of destination
           WORD    number of bytes to copy
           DWORD -> low-memory source

       Return: AX = status
           STACK unchanged
       000Bh get ??? pointers
       STACK:  WORD desired pointer
               0000h get ???
               0002h get protected-mode CR3
               0003h get 4K page table buffer pointer

               else Return: DX:AX = FFFFh:FFFFh

       Return: DX:AX = requested pointer
           STACK unchanged
       000Ch set ??? pointers
       STACK:  WORD desired pointer
               0000h set ???
               0002h set protected-mode CR3
               0003h set 4K page table buffer pointer
               else ignore
           DWORD new value for pointer

       Return: STACK unchanged
       000Dh get ??? pointers
       STACK:  WORD desired pointer
               0000h get ???
               0001h get ???
               0002h get ???
               0003h get ???
               0004h get ???
               0005h get ???
               0006h get ???
               0007h get ???

               else Return: DX:AX = FFFFh:FFFFh

       Return: DX:AX = desired pointer
           STACK unchanged
       000Eh set ??? pointer
       STACK:  WORD desired pointer
               0000h set ???
               0001h set ???
               0002h set ???
               0003h set ???
               0004h set ???
               0005h set ???
               0006h set ???
               0007h set ???

               else Return: DX:AX = FFFFh:FFFFh

       Return: STACK unchanged
       000Fh get ???

       Return: AX = ??? (seen 0008h)
       0010h get ???

       Return: AX = ???
       0011h determine whether selector is valid
       STACK:  WORD    possible selector

       Return: AX = selector or 0000h if invalid
           STACK unchanged
       0012h get physical address
       STACK:  WORD    selector for desired segment
           WORD    segment number if in real mode
           DWORD   offset within segment

       Return: DX:AX = 32-bit physical address or 00000000h on error
           BX destroyed
           STACK unchanged
       0013h ???

       Note:   normally jumps to code for function 0012h
       0014h copy protected-mode memory to conventional memory, with ???
       STACK:  WORD    selector for source segment
           WORD    segment of source if in real mode???
           DWORD   offset of source
           WORD    number of bytes to copy
           DWORD -> low-memory destination

       Return: AX = status???
           STACK unchanged
       0015h copy conventional memory to protected-mode memory, with ???
       STACK:  WORD    selector for destination segment
           WORD    segment of destination if in real mode???
           DWORD   offset of destination
           WORD    number of bytes to copy
           DWORD -> low-memory source

       Return: AX = status???
           STACK unchanged
       0016h set ??? pointer
       STACK:  WORD    unused
           DWORD -> ??? or 0000h:0000h

       Return: AX = 0000h
           STACK unchanged
       0017h allocate real-mode procedure???
       STACK:  DWORD   ASCIZ name of procedure
           DWORD ???
           DWORD   address of subroutine to invoke

       Return: AX = status
               0032h procedure by that name exists
               0033h no more real-mode procedures available
           DX destroyed
           STACK unchanged
       0018h unused

       Return: AX = 0001h
       0019h get parameter block

       Return: DX:AX -> parameter block (format unknown at this time,
               but 92h bytes)
               (preceded by signature "!!PARAM-BLOCK!!")
       001Ah get ???

       Return: AX = ??? (0148h seen)
       001Bh free real-mode procedure???
       STACK:  DWORD -> ASCIZ name of procedure

       Return: ???
           STACK unchanged
       001Ch check whether packets from protected mode task pending

       Return: AX = 0001h if packets pending, 0000h if not
       001Dh set ???
       STACK:  DWORD ??? or 0000h:0000h

       Return: AX,BX destroyed
           STACK unchanged
       001Eh ???
       STACK:  WORD ??? (high byte ignored)
           DWORD -> data structure (see below)

       Return: AX,BX,CX,DX destroyed
           data structure updated
           STACK unchanged
       Format of data structure
       Offset  Size    Description
        00h  2 BYTEs   unused
        02h    WORD    ???
        04h    WORD    ???
        06h    WORD    ???
        08h  2 BYTEs   unused
        0Ah    WORD    ???
        0Ch    WORD    (call) ???
               (return) offset of this data structure (BUG?)
       001Fh set ???
       STACK:  WORD ??? (set to 0001h if zero)

       Return: AX destroyed
           STACK unchanged
       0020h ???
       STACK:  DWORD -> ??? (8 bytes of data)

       Return: AX = ???
           STACK unchanged
       0021h ???
       STACK:  DWORD -> ??? (8 bytes of data)
           WORD    ???
           WORD    ???

       Return: AX = ???
           STACK unchanged
       0022h ???
       STACK:  DWORD -> ??? (8 bytes of data)
           DWORD -> 4-byte buffer for results

       Return: AX = ???
           STACK unchanged
       0023h ???
       STACK:  DWORD -> ??? (8 bytes of data)

       Return: AX = ???
           STACK unchanged
       0024h set ???
       STACK:  WORD ???

       Return: AX destroyed
           STACK unchanged
       0025h get ???

       Return: AX = ??? (value set with func 0024h)
       0026h BUG: jumps to hyperspace due to fencepost error
       FFFFh set DOS memory management functions
       BX:SI -> FAR routine for allocating DOS memory
           (called with AH=48h,BX=number of paragraphs to alloc;
            returns CF clear, AX=segment of allocated memory, or
                CF set on error)
       CX:DI -> FAR routine for freeing DOS memory
           (called with AH=49h,ES=segment of block to free;
            returns CF set on error,AX=error code)

       Note: each of these pointers normally points at INT 21/RETF

       other Return: AX = 0001h

Note:  BX may be destroyed by any of the API calls

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